The micro-organisms of the mouth include species belonging to higher orders than theB acteria orS chizomycetes. I have therefore used the wider term Mycology, in preference to Bacteriology, as the title of the present work. Bacteriology has developed to such an extent that at the present time some fifteen hundred organisms have been described and a large proportion of them are to be met with occasionally in the mouth. It is impossible to include in the scope of the present work, all the bacteria found from time to time in the oral fluids, especially as environment, food, dust and other causes determine to a great extent the species of the buccal flora; at the same time a certain number of organisms, many oi them well known to bacteriologists in other situations, are so frequently found that they deserve consideration as mouth bacteria; a few bacteria and some higher forms related to the Hyphomycetes are to be found in the mouth only, I have therefore included in the following pages those bacteria frequently living in the buccal cavity although they are also found in other places, and those special organisms so far known in no other region than the mouth. An attempt is made for the first time to produce a practical text-book dealing with mouth bacteria, and although primarily intended for the use of students of dental surgery it is hoped the collection of facts related to theM ycology of theM outh may be of assistance to those engaged in research. As the work is mainly written for students a good deal of stress is laid upon the practical details of laboratory routine, bacteriology requiring more laboratory experience phaps than any other subject. General principles of biology, sterilization, c.
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