Shipbuilders and Naval Architects drawing offices with a text-book which should explain the calculations which continually have to be performed. It is intended, also, that the work, and more especially its later portions, shall serve as a text-book for the theoretical portion of the examinations of the Science and Art Department in Naval A rchitecture. It has not been found possible to include all the subjects given in the Honours portion of the syllabus, such as advanced stability work, the rolling of ships, the vibration of ships, etc. These subjects will be found fully treated in one or other of the books given in the list on page 292. A special feature of the book is the large number of examples given in the text and at the ends of the chapters. By means of these examples, the student is able to test his grasp of the principles and processes given in the text. It is hoped that these examples, many of which have been taken from actual drawing office calculations, will form a valuable feature of the book. Particulars are given throughout the work and on page 292 as to the books that should be consulted for fuller treatment of the subjects dealt with.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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