It is in no sense a complete or exhaustive treatise on the subject, such as would be desired for regular college courses in field crops. In the authors judgment, the most effective method of presenting the subject of field crops to students in elementary courses is by the combination textbook and lecture plan, the textbook to furnish basic information, and the lecture to include such specific information as the instructor cares to give. In very elementary courses, the textbook would probably furnish the principal source of instruction. In presenting the subject of field crops to students of short or two-year courses in agricultural colleges, it is necessary, on account of the vast amount of experimental data which is accumulating and constantly changing, to devote a large part of the time allowed to the course to information of this sort, which leaves but little time for presenting the more elementary phases of the subject. A more complete and satisfactory course can, in the authors opinion, be given if the student by the aid of a general textbook can acquire these elementary facts outside of class hours.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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