The volume now presented must be regarJ ed as the opening one of a series forming aT ext-B ook on Physics, which the authors are preparing. The second volume, that onS ound, has already been issued, and the remaining volumes dealing with Heat, Magnetism andE lectricity, and Light will be published in succession. As already stated in the preface to the volume onS ound, The Text-B ook is intended chiefly for the use of students who lay most stress on the study of the experimental part of Physics, and who have not yet reached the stage at which the reading of advanced treatises on special subjects is desiiable. To bring the subject within the compass thus prescribed, an account is given only of phenomena which are of special importance, or which appear to throw light on other branches of Physics, and the mathematical methods adopted are very elementary. The student who possesses a knowledge of advanced mathematical methods, and who knows how to use them, will, no doubt, be able to work out and remember most easily a theory which uses such methods. But at present a large number of earnest students of Physics are not so equipped, and the authors aim at giving an account of the subject which will be useful to students of this class. Even for the reader who is mathematically trained, there is some advantage in the study of elementary methods, compensating for their cumbrous form.
(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)
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