Prof. Edward L. Youmans, to whose most kind encouragement and assistance it owed its existence, is now for the second time revised and brought up to date under the supervision of his niece, Dr. A lice C. Youmans. It follows the same practical lines as the earlier editions, and until something more comprehensive is offered, I trust will continue to be of use to nurses both amateur and professional. Primarily designed for the latter class, I assume that elementary acquaintance with anatomy and physiology which is now of course a fundamental part of their training. The fragments of these here intro duced, serving for them merely the purpose of review, may perhaps render the context more intelligible to the untrained majority whom also I hope to help. To the whole nursing sisterhood, I present it, in memory of the days when I was one of them, adding a reminder that they never are alone who are accompanied by noble thoughts. CLABA W. SHAW. 1908.
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